Never giving up on our Goals

While the queen holds the power combined of every single feature in chess, the pawn only has the power to move forward and to kill diagonally forward direction. The sketch depects the power of the lowest creature of chess standing against the powerful of all.
But when the pawn crosses all the obstacles and enters the last box it itself becomes the queen( the powerful of all). It's a ideogram for others including humans to not to give up against obstacles, it reflects that with courage and skills every single can achieve the goals. All you have to do is never giving mentality and focus. Constant worki6on ourselves helps us creating a focused and person of principals. Obstacles will come but the courage helps us perceiving our motives and top most position. The greatest combatants are made by defeating their enemies. Obstacles can be referred as desire, anger, greed, sense of I, attachment and partiality. All these obstacles has to be win or cleared from our paths to achieve greatness. Even the god is also impressed by the one who focuses their goals without the fear of obstacles. Goals are achieved by three factors, focus, commitment and sheer will. Those who possess all these factors inside them will be successful and motivation for others.

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