Someone whom I admire the most❤️

It's a saying that having a sibling is blessing, but having a sibling like friend who understands you, trusts you, treats you well, do hardwork for you, fights every one for your sake, beleives in you,have faith in you, someone that's always there for you even if you don't ask for it, that's called a blessing.
Nowadays where mostly homes have fight within the families and between the siblings, I'm blessed to have a sister like mine. Whom i can result blindly, I have faith in her, i can share anything regarding anyone regardless the fact of being judged. She's the only person I want to talk in the morning afternoon evening without any hesitation or the fact that she'll get disturbed. The most loving and caring persona of my life.
I don't know whether I'll be able to see God in anyways but while seeing my sister I got the feeling of having god by my side. It's # true saying that "elder sister is a upgraded version of mother", she'll go any distance or do any kind of work just to make her younger sibling happy and to be remarkable in the society. It's actually an boon for me to have a such kind, humane, unwrinkled soul in my life as my elder sister. Even though the society may question her about her life or future but the only fact that she's keep on doing the good and hard work is to keep me happy and safe. There might be some times that we fight or gets angry on each other but by the end both of us get back to normal because that's what you do when you love each other and trust. I may become a known one in the society but the true measure of mine would be that the world recognises me as the younger sibling of her. That will be the best gift I could ever give to her. It's actually my aim and my job to become mentally strong and an image in the society, that day she'll be the happiest person in life. The feelings I've got about her can't be expressed in words, no word in the entire universe can explain my love for her. She's the most precious and Valueable women in the world to me. Whenever I see her i always have a thought whether I'll ever be able to make her happy in the way I always wanted. Despite the fact of doing something for her, she's happy to see contentment on my face. It gives me full energy to keep focusing on my goals and to achieve them just to bring smile on her face.The one who carried me from my bad phase and helped me healing, taught me to be strong enough to live alone and to face difficulties in bad phases, the one who always praises me to keep moving forward and to become whatever I want to, the one that protects me in the public and corrects me on mistake in private. Whatever I've done till now is because of her, she's my idol and inspiration for doing all the things I'm doing, she's my strength, my motivation, whom i admire, the one who always stands for me.
I can't imagine myself without her, even achieving a top place I'll be alone and helpless without her, her guidance is a key source of my success and happiness.

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