

As per Shiv Puran Kailash Samhita 16.78-79, Bhagwan Shiva has Powers, Their names are- Sarva-Kratvaroop. Sarvatvaroopa. Purantvaroopa. Nityavaroopa. Vyapaktvaroopa. These powers are capable of Shrinking the Powers like Surya. Credit @Anshulspiritual

Someone whom I admire the most❤️

It's a saying that having a sibling is blessing, but having a sibling like friend who understands you, trusts you, treats you well, do hardwork for you, fights every one for your sake, beleives in you,have faith in you, someone that's always there for you even if you don't ask for it, that's called a blessing. Nowadays where mostly homes have fight within the families and between the siblings, I'm blessed to have a sister like mine. Whom i can result blindly, I have faith in her, i can share anything regarding anyone regardless the fact of being judged. She's the only person I want to talk in the morning afternoon evening without any hesitation or the fact that she'll get disturbed. The most loving and caring persona of my life. I don't know whether I'll be able to see God in anyways but while seeing my sister I got the feeling of having god by my side. It's # true saying that "elder sister is a upgraded v

गुरू वंदना

painting: Priyal Pandey  गुरु जी मैं कैसे तुझे बताऊँ। यह शीघ्र चरनन पर तेरे सारे सुख पा जाऊँ ।। वाणी मुख से निकसत नाही आँख नहीं खुल पाये। अबु प्रवाह वयन से होवे पल-पल हिचकी आये ।। भाव हृदय में उमड़ पड़त है कैसे उन्हें दिखाऊँ।  गुरु जी मैं कैसे तुझे बताऊँ ।। पूजा अर्चन आरती वन्दन कछू नहीं मोहि आवे । चरन तुम्हारे आन पड़ा हूँ करो वही जो भावे ।। तुम सब कुछ हो जानन वाले कैसे सत्य तुझे छिपाऊँ। गुरु जी मैं कैसे तुझे बताऊँ ।। जीवन नैया जर-जर हो गई कैसे लगै किनारे ?  केवल आस तुझी से है अब मैं हूँ तेरे सहारे ।। अब गुरु देव तुम्ही बतलाओ कहां पै इसे लगाऊँ ।  गुरु जी मैं कैसे तुझे बताऊँ।। Every prayer is accepted if it's done with purity & without any selfishness.

The thoughtless thoughts.

  The thoughtless thoughts. The cluttered mind. The delusional sights. I am here; but not You are here; but not Wandering in the meadows of thoughts The greens of your presence The bloom of your smile The radiance of your glow The butterflies The fireflies Oh! The misty evenings The cozy nights Let me dream with my open eyes The thoughtless thoughts The Cluttered mind          

being alone is a boon

No one exactly knows the power of being alone, once you start knowing the potential of being alone, it's a drug that can cure all your worries and problems. It has the power to control our mind and thoughts which helps in building our character and behaviour in a positive way. It helps remove negativity from our body, mind and surroundings. Being alone for a longer period is dangerous as one will be so well managed and organised. It helps us to know ourselves which boosts our confidence, strength and potential to fight from other worlds. The negativity and loneliness every single entity faces can be avoided by beginning to be staying alone. Even the lord great sages perform to meditate while alone as it helps control our emotions and to hold grip over our thoughts. Those who are willing to achieve their big goals or to achieve the highest power or ranks must learn to live alone for some time, it will change their mentality and will eventually give them enough strength to achieve th

Never giving up on our Goals

While the queen holds the power combined of every single feature in chess, the pawn only has the power to move forward and to kill diagonally forward direction. The sketch depects the power of the lowest creature of chess standing against the powerful of all. But when the pawn crosses all the obstacles and enters the last box it itself becomes the queen( the powerful of all). It's a ideogram for others including humans to not to give up against obstacles, it reflects that with courage and skills every single can achieve the goals. All you have to do is never giving mentality and focus. Constant worki6on ourselves helps us creating a focused and person of principals. Obstacles will come but the courage helps us perceiving our motives and top most position. The greatest combatants are made by defeating their enemies. Obstacles can be referred as desire, anger, greed, sense of I, attachment and partiality. All these obstacles has to be win or cleared from our p

symbol of prosperity

Lord Ganesha is worshipped for bringing good luck and known as remover of obstacles. He's widely devoted through out the world regardless of affiliations. He's  honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies as he's god of beginnings. Ganesha has the head of an elephant which he got from his father. He has four arms. He holds his own broken tusk(which was broken by lord Parshuram) in his lower-right hand and holds a delicacy, which he samples with his trunk, in his lower-left hand. He symbolises that physical appearance has no connection with kindness and knowledge. Every one should be treated according to his works or by their nature, not by their appearances or colours. He's often shown riding on a mouse. He's also known as the god of writing and learning. His Devotees believe that if he's propitiated, he grants victory, prosperity and protection against negativity.